Tahi Lalat in English: Understanding Moles

Rini Diana Wati

Tahi lalat, a term familiar to speakers of the Indonesian language, translates to "mole" in English. This article provides a comprehensive overview of moles, including updated information and a table for quick reference.

What is a Mole?

A mole is a small, often dark, skin lesion that is usually benign. It is the result of a cluster of pigmented cells known as melanocytes. Moles are common and can appear anywhere on the skin. They vary in color, shape, and size, and can be present at birth or develop over time.

Types of Moles

Moles come in various types, each with its characteristics:

  • Congenital Moles: Present at birth, these moles may grow and darken with age.
  • Acquired Moles: These develop after birth and are often a result of sun exposure.
  • Atypical Moles (Dysplastic Nevi): Larger than average and irregular in shape, they may have uneven color with dark brown centers and lighter, uneven edges.

Table of Moles

Type Description Potential Risk
Congenital Present at birth, may grow with age Low, but larger ones have a higher risk
Acquired Develop after birth, often due to sun exposure Generally low
Atypical Irregular in shape, may have uneven color Higher risk of melanoma

Significance of Moles

While most moles are harmless, they can sometimes develop into melanoma, a serious form of skin cancer. It’s important to monitor moles for changes in size, shape, color, or texture, as these can be signs of malignancy.

When to See a Doctor

Consult a dermatologist if you notice:

  • A mole that changes in color, size, or shape.
  • A mole that becomes itchy or bleeds.
  • The appearance of a new mole after the age of 30.
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Moles, or tahi lalat, are common skin lesions that are usually harmless. However, keeping an eye on them for any changes is crucial for early detection of skin cancer. Always consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns about your moles.

Remember, this information is based on my knowledge up to 2021, and it’s always best to seek updated advice from medical professionals.

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